September 9
Harn Museum RISK Cinema French Film Series
From the Other Side
Director: Chantal Akermann (2002, 99 minutes)
7:30 pm, Harn Museum
($4.00 for General public, $3.00 for Students, & free for Harn members
September 23
Harn Museum RISK Cinema French Film Series
Le Fond de l’ Air est Rouge: (“A Grin without a Cat”)
Director: Chris Marker (1977/1993, 180 minutes)
7:00 pm, Harn Museum
($4.00 for General public, $3.00 for Students, & free for Harn members)
October 1
Dr. Jean Bellissard
Professor of Physics and Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Wednesday, October 1
Lecture: “Coherent and Dissipative Electronic Transport in Aperiodic Media”
4:05 pm, Institute of Fundamental Theory, Room 2165 NewPhysics Building
- Thursday, October 2
Lecture: “Entropy and Information: A Physicist’s Point of View”
3:00 pm, Little Hall, Room 339 (Atrium) - Friday, October 3
Lecture: “Tilings, Aperiodic Media and Their Noncommutative Geometry”
4:05 pm, Little Hall, Room 339 (Atrium)
Professor Bellissard’s visit is sponsored by the FFRI, the Department of Mathematics and the Institute of Fundamental Theory. Dr. Gerard Emch (Mathematics) is the organizer of Prof. Bellisard’s lecture series.
October 6
Dr. Jean-Jacques Lecercle
Professor Université de Paris X, Nanterre, and the University of Cardiff, Wales.
Dr. Lecercle, a Linguist and a specialist of English literature, is the author of Philosophy Through a Looking Glass, Philosophy of Nonsense: The Intuitions of Victorian Nonsense Literature, and Deleuze and Language.
Lecture: “The Remainder Revisted: How to Leave the Mainstream Philosophy of Language”
5: 00 pm, 219 Dauer Hall, Ruth McQuown Room
(Refreshments will be served at 4:30)
Dr. Lecercle’ s visit is sponsored by the French Cultural Services and the FFRI with the cooperation of the Department of English.
October 13 – 15
FFRI Visiting Professor – Hélène Cixous
Professor, Université de Paris VIII, Director, Centre des Etudes Feminines.
Dr. Cixous is an internationally renowned novelist, feminist critic, and playwright.
- Monday, October 13
Roundtable Discussion with Hélène Cixous
3:00 – 5:00 pm, Emerson Alumni Hall - Tuesday, October 14
Lecture: “A Mongolian Life: on Unexpected Racisms”
7:00 – 9:00pm, Reitz Union Ballroom - Wednesday, October 15
Reading (in French): Rêveries de la Femme Sauvage; Theme: Algeria
3:00 – 5:00pm, Keene Faculty Center
Dr. Cixous’ visit is sponsored by the FFRI, the Department of English, the Center for Women’s Studies and Gender Research, with the cooperation of the Department of Theater and Dance. The Services Culturels of Chicago has also contributed support to this event.
October 14
FFRI – Harn Museum RISK Cinema French Film Series
Le Souvenir d’ un avenir (Remembrance of Things to Come)
Directors: Yannick Bellon and Chris Marker (2001, 42 minutes)
Director: Yannick Bellon (1951, 29 minutes)
7:30 pm, Harn Museum
($4.00 for General public, $3.00 for Students, & free for Harn members)
October 16
FFRI – Harn Museum RISK Cinema French Film Series
Le Souvenir d’ un avenir (Remembrance of Things to Come)
Directors: Yannick Bellon and Chris Marker (2001, 42 minutes)
Director: Yannick Bellon (1951, 29 minutes)
7:30 pm, Harn Museum
($4.00 for General public, $3.00 for Students, & free for Harn members)
October 28
FFRI – Harn Museum RISK Cinema French Film Series
Directors: Kirby Dick and Amy Kofman (2002, 84 minutes)
7:30 pm, Harn Museum
($4.00 for General public, $3.00 for Students, & free for Harn members)
January 14 – 16
The 2nd Annual University of Florida Steinway Festival
Sponsored by the France-Florida Research Institute and the College of Fine Arts.
Jerome Lowenthal, Professor Emeritus, Julliard Piano School, Faculty member, Ecole Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot, Paris, France, and Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri, co- director, Ecole Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot, Paris France, Director France Fondation Bell’Arte, Brussels, Belgium.
Lowenthal and Fabbri Bio
Tuesday, January 14
Master Classes with Nelson Delle-Vigne Fabbri
10 am – 12 pm; 2 pm – 4pm, University Auditorium
Wednesday, January 15
Masterclass and Lecture by Jerome Lowenthal
10 am – 12 pm, University Auditorium
Thursday, January 16
10 am – 12 pm, University Auditorium
Thursday, January 16
Recital, featuring works by Franz Liszt and others in the French repertoire
8 pm, University Auditorium
February 9 – 10
Inaugural Speaker – Julia Kristeva, Université de Paris VII – Denis Diderot, Jussieu
- Sunday, February 9
Roundtable with Julia Kristeva/Rencontre avec Julia Kristeva
3 – 5pm, Keene Faculty Center, 103 Dauer Hall - Monday, February 10
Inaugural Lecture – “Is there a female genius?”
4 – 6pm, Constans Theatre (J.Wayne Reitz Union)
February 24 – March 3 
FFRI Visiting Professor, Boris Boubacar Diop, journalist and author from Senegal, author of “Murambi: le livre des ossements”
M. Diop’s visit is hosted by the Center for African Studiesand the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
- Monday, February 24
4 – 6 pm, Emerson Alumni Hall, President’s Room (second floor)
Roundtable on the Rwanda Genocide, with M. Diop, Professor Leonardo Villalon, Department of Political Science and Director, Center for African Studies, Professor René Lemarchand, Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Science, Professor Ngwarsungu Chiwengo, Creighton University - Monday, March 3
4 – 6pm, 219 Dauer Hall, O. Ruth McQuown Room
Table ronde en français sur la littérature francophone africaine, avec Boris Diop, Professor Fiona McLaughlin, Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures and Program in Linguistics, Dr. Pius Ngandu, Department of French and Francophone Studies, Executive Director, Center for French Studies, Louisiana State University, and Dr. Eileen Julien, Director, David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the African Diaspora, University of Maryland.
March 4
Marcel Marceau
8pm, Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts
March 19 – 22
Fernando Romero
Director Dire et Faire contre le Racisme, Producer 12 Regards sur le racisme
French producer Fernando Romero is bringing a series of twelve short French films he helped produce in 2001 for the conference on Children, Culture, Violence, to be held at the University of Florida Law School. The series entitled “Pas d’histoires! ”(‘No more lies,’ which can also translate into ‘no fuss’ or ‘no stories’) consists in 12 short films directed by 12 different French filmmakers. The films discuss ordinary racism. The scripts were solicited from and written by French youth; they are inspired by real-life events. The objective of Romero’s production company, d.f.c.r./zor.films, is to study, develop, produce, and disseminate cultural projects, especially those which address civic themes. They are particularly interested in making films about the same themes as those that will be addressed by the conference: violence, culture, childhood, and adolescence.
- Saturday, March 22
10am – 12pm, Harn Museum
Screening of films and discussion with Fernando Romero
French short-film series: Ten Films Against Racism - Thursday, March 20 and Friday, March 21
Sheraton Hotel, Gainesville
M. Romero will participate in the Levin College of Law conference on “Children, Culture and Violence.”
March 19
Dr. Marie Chessel, professor of History at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and the CNRS in Paris, France, will lecture on the Consumer Leagues in late-nineteenth-century France. Her talk will be in English.
4 pm, Keene Flint Hall, Room 005
Professor Chessel is currently visiting at the Harvard Center for European Studies. She is the author of several books on the history of advertising and marketing in France. Her lecture has been arranged by Professor Sheryl Kroen of the History Department in coordination with the FFRI
April 1 – 4
FFRI Visiting Professor, Jacqueline Lichtenstein
Professor of Philosophy and Aesthetics, Université de Paris X, Nanterre
- Tuesday, April 1
Lecture: “Beauty and the Miseries of Modern Color”
6:00 pm, Harn Museum of Art
Reception to FollowDr. Lichtenstein, author of “The Eloquence of Color, ” will present a lecture drawn from her forthcoming book on nineteenth-century French painting, art criticism and aesthetics. Her talk, “Beauty and the Miseries of Modern Color,” is concerned with what she terms the “colorist paradigm” both in modern painting (as defined by Baudelaire) and in art criticism during the second half of the nineteenth century. Lichtenstein’s discussion of the “miseries of modern color” will center on the writing of J.-K. Huysmans, a late-nineteenth-century French writer of the decadence, author of fiction (notably, “A Rebours”) and an art critic, noted for his work on Degas. - Friday, April 4
“Aesthetics vs. Art History”
Roundtable discussion with Jacqueline Lichtenstein
10:00 a m – Noon, 219 Dauer Hall, O. Ruth McQuown Room
April 10 – 12
Raymond Bellour
Director of Research, CNRS, Editor, “Traffic”
Dr. Bellour will participate in the International Symposium entitled “Beyond/After the Screen: The Impact of Documenta X and XI on Contemporary Film and Video Practice,” which will take place at the Harn Museum of Art . The subject of his lecture is “Multiple Cinemas,” and will be given Saturday, April 12th between 12:00 and 5:00pm.
April 14
Professor Olivier Wieviorka
Lecture: “Resistance: myth, legend and history”
1:00 pm, 219 Dauer Hall, O. Ruth McQuown Room
Historian at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan will lecture in English on his area of research, the French Resistance to Nazism and its aftermath. He has published numerous articles and several books on these issues such as Les orphelins de la République, destiné des sénateurs français de 1940 à 1944.
Professor Wieviorka’s visit is sponsored by the French Cultural Services, the FFRI, and the Department of History.
April 16 – 18
Dr. Roland Fortunier
Professor, Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Mines, St. Etienne, France
- Wednesday, April 16
Research meetings with faculty from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - Thursday, April 17
Lecture: “Parametric Finite Element Analyses in Optimal Design Procedures”
4:00pm, Room 303 MAE-A Building - Friday, April 18
Visit of materials characterisation facilities, and discussions with faculty from the Material Science and Engineering Department
April 17 – 18
Professor Aline Tauzin
An anthropologist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Aline Tauzin will lecture in English on her research concerning gender and women in Africai in particular Mauritania. Her visit is sponsored by the French Cultural Services, the FFRI, and the Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures.
Thursday, April 17
- Lecture: “Islamic Fundamentalism”
1:55 – 2:45 pm, Turlington B310 - Lecture: “Women in Mauritania: Between Constraint and Avoidance”
4:00 – 6:00 pm, 219 Dauer Hall
Friday, April 18
- Lecture: “Women’s Voices/Songs from Mauritania”
1:55 – 2:45 pm, Matherly, Room 51
April – May 2003
FFRI Visiting Professorship – Professor Jean-Pierre Launay
Center for Materials Elaboration and Structural Studies, CNRS, Toulouse, France
Prof. Jean-Pierre Launay, Director of the “Center for Materials Elaboration and Structural Studies” Professor Launay will be a FFRI Visiting Professor. His institution (ca 170 people) associates closely with Chemistry, Physics, and Material Sciences. His personal research activity concerns Molecular Electronics and Nanosciences, i. e. the use of molecules as electronic devices or parts of nanomachines. As a hobby, he practices sailplane gliding (soaring) over the French Alps and the Pyrénées.
Professor Launay will be at UF for a month-long visit as our first FFRI Visiting Professor.
- Monday, April 21
Seminar: “The Contribution of Chemistry to Molecular Electronics and Nanosciences”
4:00 pm, 202 NEB
- Tuesday, April 29
Seminar: “Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry”
4:00 pm, 309 Leigh HallIntramolecular Electron Transfer can be studied in Mixed-valence compounds, using the properties of the so-called “intervalence transition” which gives information on the degree of electronic coupling between redox sites linked by a spacer. Results on several series of complexes with metal-metal distances approaching 25 Å will be discussed.However the topic is not limited to Inorganic chemistry, and analogous processes occur in purely Organic systems. In this latter case, a combination of experimental and theoretical studies gives information on geometrical changes during oxidation/reduction, thermal and optical electron transfer, the role of quinonic froms… Finally an example of molecular switching will be given. - Wednesday, April 30
Seminar: “Molecular Electronic”
10:00 – 11:00 am, 328 Benton Hall (Please note: this room holds 30 people)
The continuous progress in the miniaturization of electronic devices cannot continue indefinitely, due to technological, physical, and even financial limitations. Molecular Electronics is one of the possible solutions to push again the limits, by using single molecules to process signals. However the concept encompasses several variants: (i) the “hybrid” approach, in which single molecules are interfaced to ultra-small metallic wires, and fulfill simple functions, (ii) the “integrated” approach, in which complex logical functions would be performed by a single highly elaborated molecule, and (iii) a “quantum” approach. Approach (i) is presently the most documented and molecule-based devices such as wires, diodes, switches, amplifying elements, … have been described. The prospects and limitations will be discussed).]’ - Thursday, May 1
Seminar: “Molecules, Molecular Electronics, and Nanomachines”
4:00 pm, 2165 New Physics Building
The synthesis of new molecules gives now access to “technomimetic” objects, mimicking the shape and functions of macroscopic elements of our technological world. In the field of Molecular Electronics, device-like molecules have been obtained, such as wires, diodes, switches, amplifying elements, … This gives “hybrid’ molecular electronic systems, in which molecules are interfaced to ultra-small metallic wires. The prospects and limitations will be discussed. But sophisticated new molecules can also be used to prepare mechanical elements, such as gears, rotors, even barrows,… which could be the basis of future “nanomachines”).